If you are running any kind of business, particularly a small one, you must consider buying public liability insurance. If you are running your business from home and you have a lot of clients visitng your home very frequently, then also owning a public liability insurance cover is a good idea.

This type of insurance covers you if someone is hurt by your or while visiting your premises or even by any other means where you or your business is involved and then they decide to sue you and file a claim against you. This cover will also protect you if by chance you end up damaging your customer’s or client’s belongings while he is on a visit to you. Your insurance company will take care of all the legal expenses and the lawyers’ fee, hospital fee and the claims money if you are required to pay. However, one thing to be kept in mind while buying a public liability insurance is that it will not cover the claims made by your employees but only the third party claims. To cover yourself from the claims made by your employees, you will be required to buy an employers liability insurance.

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